Officer VIP (Monthly)

Officer VIP (Monthly)


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No Component Crafting (PVP Server Only)
(Excluding CCTV Camera, Targeting Computer and Tech Trash)

Base Repair
/br -  toggle base repair on and off

Global building limits
Global foundation and triangle foundation to 300 up from 150
Global building limit to 3500 up from 2500

Building Limits
Foundation and triangle foundation to 150 up from 50
Turrets to 75 up from 50

Change your name colour
Command: /colour
Allows players to change their name colour

More homes to 15 from10
Command: /home
Command: /tpr
Teleportation speed using /home and /tpr to 3s from 5s

Save turret loadouts (PVP Server Only)
Allows you to automatically put ammo in turrets
Command: /tl

Auto Farm
Auto Farm Planter Boxes Limit: 2
Seed Container Slots: 3
Output Container Slots: 12

Skinner VIP Commands
/skin - Open Skinner UI
/skincraft - Create Skin Sets
/skinitem - Skin a deployable item you're looking at
/skinrequest - Request a skin to be added

Additional Kits
Daily VIP
Weekly VIP
Turrets (PVE Zombie Server Only)
Officer's Turrets (PVP Server Only)